I have been creating and setting up another blog. I deserve good food, is going to be my healthy, foodie blog, so come over and take a look https://ideservegoodfood.wordpress.com. I will be sharing healthy vegetarian and vegan recipes. Meat Lovers stay away!
Ok dont because you can add dead animal to any of the recipes.
AAAAAAnyway I have been so creative, Donna Downeys’s 10x10x10x10 class http://www.donnadowney.com, which has been so much fun, and Eileen’s http://eileenscraftyzone.blogspot.co.uk Bleeding Art Tissue workshop. These two ladies are the nicest crafty ladies ever, not fake like some I care not to mention!! Yes I do get a bit Sauf Laaandaan when someone annoys me, and sorry but I cannot abide by people who only call you when they want something, and treat you like you are best buds, staying in your home, and then when the job is up, they treat you like you didn't exist! And then go around telling everyone how lovely and caring they are..nanaaaaaaa.....that aint loving and caring!! Yeap another lesson learnt. But like I say, when you are good to someone, its gets stored somewhere, and comes back to you somehow. And I have been getting it back 10 fold. And back to Zen, and Lovely friends!
Back to the art
Eileen’s Bleeding Art. I loved this technique
Donna’s 10x10x10x10. 10 10 x10 ten canvas, in 10 days. Yes I managed 4 in 2 months !
I got an Etsy Shop toooo whoop whoop, o you can now buy my gawjuss art...hurry, it will be worth millions one day..hehe!
Much Love, and Periwinkles Twinkles