Rooby Whishes

Rooby Whishes

Monday, 30 December 2013

France for Pre Christmas Fun Times, and other Fun times

Hope you all had a marvellous Christmas. I had one of the best ones ever....just relaxed, DH, and was blissful

In a very still, and peaceful mood today, contemplating, and reflecting on 2013. One of the most challenging, and clearing years I have ever had, well so far, and yet one of the most joyous. My heart feels light and clear. 
So many fun times to write about, yet I really want to just say it in pictures, so here you are. Of course I will add captions, I think I can manage that. 

Audrey's 40th with was so much fun, danced and danced, and danced

Eileen ‘Earth Angel” Godwin’s Art Journalling class, in which the Universe conspired, so it would only be her and I. We chatted, created, and healed

Untangled FM’s Christmas Party, where I made some beautiful connections, and met people who I knew through Facebook. It was a truly magical night

France with Warwick, and Reza for 10 days of pre Christmas celebrations. Pure joy to be with them both, setting up Chez Cartier for the festive season. We laughed, ate so well, and walked in woods. And again met some lovely people, and made great connections. Took my new camera, which was faulty, and over exposing, hence the very bright outdoor pictures!!

Thank you for all of your support on my blog. Huuuuge gratitude. It has been just unbelievable that I have have over 17000 hits. So much love to you all

Monday, 28 October 2013

I got Sunshine, on a Cloudy Day

Me want thunder….I got so excited about ‘The Storm’ in London. I loooove storms. I remember Mem and I were in Mexico a few years back, and there was a propa tropical storm. When it started we were both sitting on the beach. As the winds picked up everyone ran in, but he and I just sat there. There was lightening, and heavy heavy rain…ok we ran after about 5 minutes because it got really bad, and the thunder and lightening were like we had never seen or heard before… loud….well we thought it was bad, the locals thought it was normal!!

Seems like agrees since there was thunder here….a couple of little teasers but nothing huuuuge!!

I slept through ‘The Storm’ of ’87…didnt hear a thing. Woke up at Mum and Dads, and there were tree branches, and bins everywhere. 

It got me thinking that there seen to be a lot of ‘storms’ going on right now. So much shifting, and upheaval, and sadly I am hearing of a death nearly every day. We are all going though it, our internal storm. This moving into the Heart is hard hard work, and when we resist, the storms come. I have been at home for 2 days, just being. There are huge changes for me right now, and I cannot resist….breathe, and allow the changes, do not hold on to any attachment to the outcome of anything. Its like everything that I thought defined me, and I am talking about friends, material things, business, are all being challenged right now. Its like I have to know me, deep deep down inside now, because those other definitions just do not work anymore. So lots of heart work, that place we neglect oh so much, not to please others instead of ourselves, not to be in a job we hate, not to buy stuff  we dont really need, to please people  we dont really like!!!

I was watching This Morning today, and the first part I saw was on IVF, and then the next item was on domestic violence. I did get weepy, because yes at the time it hurt, but my tears were more of relief, that I came through these two horrendous times in my life, and can still smile, and be so so happy……phewwwww.

It has been so nice to be at home for 2 days, and not go out.

So out came the paint, in-between kitty cuddles, baking, and laughter with Hubby, and I did this. loving torn paper painty right now

Much love